2023年6月25日,澳大利亚弗林德斯大学(FlindersUniversity)唐友宏教授应太阳集团网址首页登录入口太阳集团网址首页登录入口高效吸附课题组邀请,以“Aggregation induced emission enabled smart fibers and composites”为题进行了专题报告,报告由刘欣副经理主持,国重副主任杨应奎教授、课题组全体成员以及纺织学院的部分教师应邀参加会议。


Dr Youhong Tang is a Professor of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing and was an Australian Research Council-Discovery Early Career Researcher (ARC-DECRA) in Flinders University. Currently, he is the Deputy Director of International Laboratory for Health Technologies and Deputy Director of ACSRF-Joint Research Centre on Personal Health Technologies, a research leader in Institute for Nano Scale Science and Technology (ERA rank 5 in nanotechnology) and Medical Device Research Institute (ERA rank 5in materials engineering) in Flinders University,Australia. He was elected as a Project Management Professional of Project Management Institute (PMI),US in 2008, a Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), UK in 2018, a Fellow of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (FRACI).Australia in 2021 and a Certificated Materials Professional(CMatP), Australia in 2021.
Dr Tang obtained his PhD degree in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2007and moved to Flinders University in 2012 from the University of Sydney. His research interests mainly focused on (1) Structure-processing-property relationship of polymeric (nano)materials; (2)Biomaterials, biosensors and their devices with aggregation-induced emission features.